The Northern Star Steam and Motor Carriage Company - Whitby Online

The Northern Star Steam and Motor Carriage Company

Elizabeth and Charlotte; Whitby's Steam Bus and Charabanc

As well as being wonderful relics of an age long gone, these two old ladies still delight hundreds of thousands of people every year as they ply their routes around the town. Nowhere else in the country, continent or even the western world can you find a Steam Bus still working full time for a living, or can you buy a ticket for a trip on a public road. Add to that a genuine Charabanc from the 1920’s that you can still hop on for a journey back to yesteryear.
Each has her own special charm and we are quite sure they both love all the attention they get, along with being photographed more times than you could ever count! Please accept our invitation to look around the site. You will find anything from information on how to hire our historic stars for your special occasion, to some of Elizabeth’s and Charlotte’s stories and pages for the family that look after them.

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The Northern Star Steam and Motor Carriage Company The Northern Star Steam and Motor Carriage Company
The Northern Star Steam and Motor Carriage Company
8 Hunton Court
Whitehall Landing
North Yorkshire
YO22 4FF

Telephone:   01947 606971
Mobile:   07904 252935



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To Make You Smile
I grew up in a rough part of town.The local yobs used to cover me in chocolate and cream then put a cherry on my head - life was tough in the gateau.
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Whitby Online - The Northern Star Steam and Motor Carriage Company