Whitby Sea Angling Fishing Trips with Ken Graham - Whitby Online

Whitby Sea Angling Fishing Trips with Ken Graham

Come aboard and experience a fishing trip with one of Whitby's most experienced skippers

Ken Graham has been taking visitors and locals out to sea on his boat Libby for years and knows the waters of the picturesque Whitby coastline like the back of his hand.

Whatever the time of year Ken knows where to head for the best chance of catching fish and whether you’re a novice or have lots of experience Ken can provide all the information and advice you need to make the most of your Whitby fishing trip.

The waters off Whitby are rish in various kinds of fish including favourites like cod and haddock, as well as various kinds of flat fish.

In the summer we fish quite close to shore for mackerel. These are often shorter trips, perfect for children.

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Whitby Sea Angling Fishing Trips with Ken Graham
Whitby Sea Angling Fishing Trips with Ken Graham

North Yorkshire
YO21 3HZ

Telephone:   07979 306155
Mobile:   07979 306155


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