Whitby Engine Shed Ltd - Whitby Online

Whitby Engine Shed Ltd

Secure indoor private parking facility

Providing secure indoor private car and motorcycle parking.
For further details or to reserve a space please contact:
Telephone: 01924 376100
Email: info@whitbyengineshed.co.uk
Visit: www.whitbyengineshed.co.uk
Initially 13 car spaces at first floor, a further 16 car spaces at ground floor level available later in 2015
Secure with full CCTV coverage inside and out. Accessible 24/7
External drive lighting on dusk to dawn sensors
Automatic in-car garage door operation
Internal in-car operational lift for ground floor users
Emergency lighting and fire alarm system installed
Fully lit and operated by remote movement sensors
Emergency call out number provided,
PLEASE NOTE: Maximum headroom is 2.0m
Monthly or Annual Licenses available
Prices from £162 per month
Require £50 deposit for remote control fob
2 months fee upfront
2 months notice required from both parties to terminate license
Parking floor plans available on the website

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Whitby Engine Shed Ltd Whitby Engine Shed Ltd
Whitby Engine Shed Ltd
Waterstead Lane
North Yorkshire
YO21 1AE

Telephone:   01924 376100




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